Language Tag: sv-SE
Language Description: Swedish
Version: 1.0
Effective Date: 21 November 2006
    Registry: .SE (Stiftelsen för Internetinfrastruktur)
Contact: Anne-Marie Eklund-Löwinder
Address: Box 7399, SE-10391 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46 8 452 3500 Fax: +46 8 452 3502

Relevant Policy Document URL:

This document describes the character table used by the .SE registry for the registration of domain names in the Swedish language and is intended for publication in the IANA Repository of TLD IDN Practices. It is provided for the information of prospective holders of domains in .SE and for the users of resources within those domains. It is further intended to be a generally applicable description of the character repertoire necessary for the inclusion of Swedish language labels on all levels in other DNS registries.

The material presented here was initially prepared by the .MUSEUM registry and was posted as such in the IANA Repository (where it is now archived). The present document is being substituted for it in collaboration with the .MUSEUM registry, to indicate the Swedish language nexus more clearly. There are two substantive differences between the versions. The first reflects an orthographic reform that entered into effect in April 2006 and would, in any case, have necessitated a revision of the previous table. The second is a simplification in the description of alternate orthographic representations of characters that lie outside the ASCII repertoire. The relevant policy document for the .MUSEUM implementation is located at:

This table conforms to current Swedish orthographic practice as described by the Swedish Language Council in the publication "Svenska språkregler", 2nd edition, 2000 (2003 printing), and the lexicographic practice documented by the Swedish Academy in the publication "Svenska akademiens ordlista över svenska språket", 13th edition, first printing, 2006.

Characters are listed in this table by their Unicode code points in U+xxxx format. The name of each character appears to the right of the number sign "#" on the same line. Explanatory comments about associated orthographic conventions are similarly placed to the right of number signs. Any narrative text about character variants is intended solely to call attention to situations where confusion can arise if particular care is not taken to avoid it. No prescriptive policies are attached to character variants in either the .SE or .MUSEUM registries, and the registration of a label containing any of the listed characters confers no rights to any other orthographically equivalent form. Other registries wishing to implement this table are advised to take the discussion of character variants solely for its informational value.

Code Point                     Character
U+002D                         # HYPHEN-MINUS
U+0030                         # DIGIT ZERO
U+0031                         # DIGIT ONE
U+0032                         # DIGIT TWO
U+0033                         # DIGIT THREE
U+0034                         # DIGIT FOUR
U+0035                         # DIGIT FIVE
U+0036                         # DIGIT SIX
U+0037                         # DIGIT SEVEN
U+0038                         # DIGIT EIGHT
U+0039                         # DIGIT NINE
# All of the following code points are listed in the order of
# their appearance in the Swedish alphabet.
U+0061                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER A
U+0062                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER B
U+0063                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER C
U+0064                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER D
# The letter é is used in a number of loan words and Swedish family
# names. It is not a separate letter in the Swedish alphabet.
U+0065                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER E
U+00E9                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
U+0066                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER F
U+0067                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER G
U+0068                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER H
U+0069                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER I
U+006A                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER J
U+006B                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER K
U+006C                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER L
U+006D                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER M
U+006E                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER N
U+006F                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER O
U+0070                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER P
U+0071                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER Q
U+0072                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER R
U+0073                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER S
U+0074                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER T
U+0075                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER U
U+0076                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER V
U+0077                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER W
U+0078                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER X
# The letter Ü is referred to in Swedish as a # "German Y" and is
# considered to be a variant of the letter Y. It is not a separate
# letter in the Swedish alphabet.
U+0079                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y
U+00FC                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
U+007A                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER Z
# The letter Å is not considered to be a variant of the letter A,
# and is a separate letter in the Swedish alphabet. The former
# character is, however, the accepted alternative in contexts where
# Å cannot be used. Earlier practice substituted AA, which is no
# longer recommended but will still be encountered.
U+00E5                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
# The letter Ä is not considered to be a variant of the letter A,
# and is a separate letter in the Swedish alphabet. The former
# character is, however, the accepted alternative in contexts where
# Ä cannot be used. Earlier practice substituted AE, which is no
# longer recommended but will still be encountered.
U+00E4                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
# The letter Ö is not considered to be a variant of the letter O,
# and is a separate letter in the Swedish alphabet. The former
# character is, however, the accepted alternative in contexts where
# Ö cannot be used. Earlier practice substituted OE, which is no
# longer recommended but will still be encountered.
U+00F6                         # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS

(21 November 2006)